To be contacted as events are added to this page, follow Myrna on Twitter.
The 2009 Staffordshire Figure Association Conference.
Mark your calendars for the best meeting and show of the year. The 2009 SFA event will be held from Sept 20-22 at the Inn at Lambertville, NJ. Highlights include lectures at our formal meeting, a private visit to Winterthur to include a lecture by Pat Halfpenny, visits to 3 private collections in the Philadelphia area, and an opportunity to buy from dealers and other collectors. Learning, shopping, viewing fabulous items, dining, transportation....all this is arranged for you. You just have to show up!
The meeting is open to members only. Dues are a modest $35, due in January. To join and get on the bulletin mailing list, please send $35 (check made out to SFA) to
Dr. Bo Rose
Box 98
Penn Laird, VA 22846
For details, contact SFA President Elinor Penna at [email protected].
The 2009 New York Ceramics Fair
January 21st - 25th 2009
Tenth Annual NY Ceramics Fair for the collector, connoisseur and curator of exceptional antique and contemporary works in ceramics, enamels and glass.
The National Academy Museum and School of Fine Arts
1083 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY
See website for details.
Wolfson Children's Hospital Art and Antique Show
from Dec 3-6. See details at
The 2008 Art & Antiques Show debuts December 3rd with the Benefactor Preview Reception and Opening Night Party and continues through December 6th with a heartwarming children's fashion show. This year celebrates 32 years of the Art & Antiques Show, recognized as one of the premier antiques and decorative arts shows in the country. Benefiting Wolfson Children's Hospital, the Show features 54 of the nations leading exhibitors and galleries and five renowned lecturers.
Wednesday, December 3
6:00-7:00 pm Benefactor Preview Reception Wednesday, December 3 7:00-11:00 pm Opening Night Party Thursday, December 4
11:00 am - 6:00 pm Friday, December 5
11:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday, December 6 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Show takes place at the historic Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center in downtown Jacksonville, Florida, located at 1000 Water St.
Myrna's lecture, Mirth & Mayhem: Staffordshire Figures 1810-1835, is at 1:00 on Friday.
Historic Alexandria Antiques Show.
The Historic Alexandria Antiques Show is on from Nov.14-16. See details at

An exceptionally rare pair. From Elinor Penna at the Historic Alexandria Antiques Show.
Andrew Dando Antiques, Autumn Selling Exhibition
This Exhibition runs from 8th - 22nd November 2008. Importantly, it opens on the Internet at 12 noon on Saturday, November 8. Access it at
Andrew Dando's Exhibition is one of the most eagerly anticipated events of the collecting year, so mark the date!
To be contacted as events are added to this page, follow Myrna on Twitter or submit your email address to [email protected] |