First, I was thrilled to see that the two pipers below jumped from John Howard's stock onto a local collector's shelf because this gave me an opportunity to examine and compare them to some other figures in my own collection.
First, the same piper occurs within other "Sherratt" groups, some of which are shown below.
The bocage (right) is a little atypical in its structure. I might have expected it to look more like the example on the left.
on the base of this musical group.

Another interesting find in a Dallas home this month was this sheep. The base is one most commonly found on Dudson figures, but the distinctive bocage flowers (just like those on the two pipers immediately above) place this sheep in the Big Blossom Group.
A beast of another sort, and certainly not to every collector's taste, is the large figure of Atlas holding a globe, such as the example below.
This past month, getting out and about in Dallas was remarkably rewarding. I wonder what will turn up next?