Grimaldi was the most popular actor of Regency times. Although his startling mask, bizarre hair, and bright costume transformed him into an entrancing character, he, like so many other great comedians, was a rather melancholy individual. Nevertheless, he was an indefatigable worker, and he pushed his body to great extremes just to get a laugh. But the extreme physical exertion of all those leaps and tumbles took its toll, and in 1823, Grimaldi had to retire because he was suffering from "premature old age."
I know of only three pearlware figures of Grimaldi the clown, and all are in British museums. They are as close to identical as early Staffordshire figures can be.
And then there is this ugly creature, a very modern reproduction of the early pearlware figure of Grimaldi. The repro can be found most days on eBay...but I have yet to see one sell!