As this picture is worth a thousand words, I shan't say much more, except to add that I too have a flock of sheep. I was inspired to assemble a flock of my very own after my first visit to the home of Griselda Lewis, beloved author of A Collectors History of English Pottery and also Pratt Ware. Griselda had her flock across the mantle, and standing in the middle was a shepherd (figure of the Lost Sheep). When I am compelled to entertain formally, I scatter my sheep around our long dining table, and they do help me get through the evening. I have also created tableaux by placing sheep and other figures on a moss-covered silver tray, and I put flowers in the spillholders....but it has to be a pretty dull event for me to set up one of these fairy land creations. Have fun with your figures and see larger pictures on John's site by clicking here.