The chip to the top of the man's hat mystifies me. I am sure it happened after production. A horizontal slice has come off the hat. But how it came off without doing any damage to the bocage is a mystery. I have crawled all over this with my magnifier and still can't work it out. Somebody has touched that chip with a black pen of sorts, and that's just fine. It stops it from catching the eye.
Of course, this Staffordshire figure was FILTHY when it arrived. Taking advantage of the sunshine it had brought with it, I went to the kitchen sink for the sun-bath ritual I enjoy with new figures. The figure glowed and sparkled in appreciation, and as I explored its intricacies and mysteries, I was reminded how rewarding true collecting can be. That night, I placed the figure in our bedroom so I could enjoy it from bed. AYes, figures have finally crept into our bedroom too!