Equally charming but much higher up the price spectrum--perhaps several weeks in that mediocre Manhattan hotel room--is this Red Barn.
I love the compact nature of this Red Barn, Yes, the door is open--of course because William Corder is luring unsuspecting Maria to her death. The Red Barn murder is a great yarn. You can read all about it in my book. Meanwhile, be charmed by this group, which is in lovely condition. One bird on the front is restored. Otherwise it is all there.
I was intrigued to see that the Red Barn itself is open from beneath. There is no reason why it should have been made any other way....but we are so used to seeing closed table bases beneath Red Barns. Collecting and researching is a never ending surprise. The joy of finding a charming figure--big or small, inexpensive or costly, available for sale or sitting in someone else's collection--makes the hunt worthwhile.