The same figure was also made decorated with colored glazes, as you see in the little shepherdess alongside. Ralph Wood used both techniques because in his time enamels were surpassing colored glazes in popularity.

Our shepherdess model seems to be an adaptation of this Ralph Wood figure impressed "87" that you see alongside. Ralph Wood was impressively skilled at adapting his models, I have learned.
I have found the odd lone widow of this form before, but one Elijah--also Frank Falkner in his "Wood Family of Burslem" shows a color glazed Elijah from these molds and attributes it to Ralph Wood. Falkner may well be right. Ralph Wood may have modeled these figures. The figures themselves do not have the typical Lakin & Poole facial features, so perhaps the pot bank acquired the molds from an outside source.
Thirdly, I noticed a truly yummy figure of Autum that appears to be Lakin & Poole (or, at any rate, is definitely of late eighteenth-century manufacture), and it set my mind wandering on the topic of figures of Seasons.