After many emails, the seller of this figure removed "Ralph Wood" from her listing title but left it in the body of the auction. You have my humble opinion. Have a look at the information on Ralph Wood (under the MAKERS tab on the top menu bar of this site) and judge for yourself. For now, you can see the auction by clicking here.
And another seller had the same idea with his figure, described as "not signed on the underside of the base but undoubtedly is the work of Ralph Wood of Burslem." This seller took my concern seriously. He read our pages here on Ralph Wood, and promptly amended his listing. Thank you, thank you! My faith in humanity is least until I see the next repro listed as The Real Thing. You can see this auction here.
It may take a village to do some things, but it takes a world of enthusiastic collectors to build our knowledge base about Staffordshire figures. A million thanks to the collector who shared this information with us--and thank you to all of you who share your collections, your new purchases, and your questions.
To the dealer who told me no more than 3 people in the world are interested in Ralph Wood: you would be amazed at the emails I have had as a result of the Ralph Wood pages!