So what happened to the collection? Well, back then, it wasn't considered very grand. The Victoria and Albert Museum exhibited it at its Bethnal Green Branch, so poor people might enjoy it. Everyday life was probably not for affluent visitors to the main museum location, and I believe the V&A declined the collection. So Mr. WIllett founded the Brighton Museum and gave his collection to that institution, and it remains there to this day. Objects in museums are often just stray objects being warehoused. On the other hand, the Willett Collection is the heart of the Brighton Museum. It is prominently displayed, and it has been unsullied by the addition of sundry other objects. Its theme remains powerful and pertinent, and when you tear yourself away you realize you didn't just look at shelves of ceramics. You peeped into the past, courtesy of Mr. Willett.
Today we look at three figures that are not from the Willett Collection, but they too give us a glimpse of a long-forgotten past.