In the Potteries, workers were paid for their output by the piece, so if they missed Monday they could make it up by working extra hard Tuesday through Saturday. Of course, all this made scheduling work efficiently almost impossible, but the concept of the conveyor belt had yet to be invented. I imagine that those who staggered to work in the Potteries on Mondays did a lot of funny things, and that may account for the oddities we see--and love--in our Staffordshire figures.
Do you notice something wonderfully weird about this pair of dandies at
What do these two figures have in common?

The painter took the joke one step further. He also painted double eye brows on the man with a sword. This I have not seen before!
Last but by no means least, this splendid twosome must be gawked at for no other reason than they are drop dead gorgeous. These were definitely NOT made on a Monday. I have seen then in the flesh and they are a very true pair. I know of no other example of a pair, so enjoy the sighting while it lasts. Available for purchase from Nick Burton.