Attributing figures to a source of common origin sounds so boring. Yet doing this adds a whole other dimension to collecting. Figures become pieces in a giant jig saw puzzle. Connecting the right pieces completes the puzzle. Who needs Sudoku? So how do we know that the figure below is "Sherratt?"
And what other "Sherratt" attributes does this deer have?
Look at the bocage! You will recognize it as the same bocage we saw on the Doctor Syntax group in the posting below. My amazingly brilliant friends, Malcolm and Judith Hodkinson, have meticulously identified "Sherratt attributes and they dub this bocage form 'triple oak leaf'; they call the flowers 'mayflowers'.
So based on the base and bocage, our deer is "Sherratt." And every deer needs a doe, so here she is:
Note that we have to be careful about attributing. One swallow does not make a summer. And one feature does not make for an attribution! We are only be sure that our deer are 'Sherratt' because we find the base and the bocage leaves and flowers repeatedly on other figures that share these and other "Sherratt" attributes.
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