Today I write hoping someone will be able to help me. The pearlware figure below has me stumped.
The figure--if you can call it that--is totally flat on the undecorated reverse. The form is mounted on the base so that the result almost resembles a miniature book end. But at just 3 3/8" high this is clearly no bookend! Quite gorgeous. Note the rich enamels and the touches of old gilding in her hair. I am clueless as to what its purpose once was.
Such Staffordshire figure forms must have had a use. I have recorded about 8 varying designs. One, known to me only from an old Christies' catalogue, is shaped as a male harvester....and here is the exciting part: it is marked WALTON.
To add to the dark cloud of ignorance swirling over me, look at this money box
Even though I don't do 'cute', I will admit to finding this money box adorable. Two coin slots, two little spaniels....and there is our passionate couple yet again. Not as finely painted this time, but the form is the same. I know naught about Blue and White, so perhaps someone can enlighten me. The pattern is Spode's Indian Sports, but the circular transfer printed marked beneath, "Indian Sports 38", leads me to think that the box may have been made by someone other than Spode. BTW, enameling has been applied over the transfer design in places. The box really is pretty. Please let me hear from you if you even think you know anything. [email protected]