One of John's very first sales at the show were the two remarkable pearlware ladies below. I have not previously seen their like, so I was really glad to be able to see them in person. The figures are large at around 14 inches, but they are not gigantic. In other words, the size was very pleasing to the eye, nothing clunky at all. And those colors!
Returning home, I am still haunted by these lovely ladies and wonder who they were meant to be. I can pin them on no obvious classical personage from the past. The closest I can come is the statue below, a "statue of a priestess or muse from a Hellenistic original" in the Capitoline Museum, Rome.
Is it possible that a print showing this statue inspired John's two luster ladies?--after all, images of many classical works we no longer think too important were very much in vogue circa 1800. I am not certain. I am hoping my friend Bob Carde, the sleuth extraordinaire who has nailed the identity of other elusive figures for me, will read this and shed some light. But if you know, please tell! ([email protected], or comment below.)