Our Scotsman is quite a sturdy fellow. There are not too many bits and bobs that could have broken off and rendered him unusable, so breakage alone surely cannot explain the loss of his bretheren. He is about 9 inches tall. Just gorgeous. I am envious!
But to get back to Scotsmen generally, they are really few and far between. I have others in my archive, but they are rare indeed.

This splendid Scotsman was made by one of the Scottish east coast potbanks. He may be unique, but I have encountered figures of Faith and Charity on this base, as well as a Scottish fisherwoman. The base is most frequently painted blue, which is not something you see often on figures with a Staffordshire origin.

This stunner is again from one of the Scottish east coast pot banks, and I think it is decorated with both enamel and underglaze painting. I believe it is unique.

This little figure is the most common of the Scotsmen. I have seen him decorated with crude splashes of underglaze oxides, and I think this figure form was used for several decades.

The only other Scotsman that comes to mind is this splendid "Sherratt" deer stalker that we looked at some years ago.