John Baker in his Bible on lustre, Old English Lustre Pottery, describes this set of Seasons as 'the most desirable examples of Sunderland pink lustred wares'. Few complete sets are documented. However, it seems these molds were used beyond the Garrison potbank. Perhaps they were first used elsewhere. Who knows? Enamel examples occur (see Autumn below) but I have yet to see all four examples, let alone a set.
I have a full set of Walton figures with bocages. Gorgeous things. You can see them in my book, People, Passions, Pastimes, and Pleasures: Staffordshire Figures 1810-1835. I first discovered these when photographing for my book. I made a point of never mixing my book with any commercial transaction, but as the collector and I became better friends I popped the question: Would he remember me IF he ever considered selling his Walton Seasons? He hesitated for a moment and then replied that he had no need of money, but there was another rare figure he badly wanted and he would trade if I could find the figure. The challenge was on! For six months I scoured the planet. Success at last! The trade was made across an ocean, and we are both so happy with the result.