This figure has a partner facing in the other direction, so now I am looking for that. It may take me a long time, but I will keep hoping. And yes, things we MUST have always turn up when we won't want to spend the money. It is a simple fact of life.
Girls sleeping on plinths were made by other manufacturers. The figure occurs on plain rectangular base, usually with a red line around it. I have seen four such examples, as well as two examples on square green bases. These are all now quite hard to find.
The same figure form occurs atop an earthenware box in Brighton Museum. The figure above is just over 3" tall, and I am not sure of the height of the box....but best I can recall, the figure atop was smaller, albeit seemingly identical.
I have a closely related box in my collection and I believe it too is "Sherratt".
I was very excited to find my box a few years ago, and now I am thrilled with my sleeping girl. Neither were major purchases, but they add enormously to my pleasure in collecting. I just never know what will turn up next, and what I will learn from it. And that's what makes collecting fun.