Watch holders can be fascinating. I have several and have put an old watch in each. EBay is a good place for this type of purchase. You don't need a watch that works. I find most watch holders accommodate an 18S watch size--that is a bit under 2 inches. And the game is to get one for under $20!
I wish I knew who made this temple-to-the-watch, but the enameling does look like much of the work that came out of the Staffordshire Potteries. In my archive I have a watch holder, apparently from the same molds. It sold at Woolley & Wallis.
I must admit to being astounded by the new items John continues to get into stock--and move out of stock. I don't know when in my collecting 'career'--which now spans over three decades--I have seen any dealer turn over such a fantastic selection of figures at a steady pace. And that includes the stock of the now legendary Jonathan Horne and Alistair Sampson. I am so happy that the market for fabulous pottery continues to thrive...and I am doing my share of helping it along!